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Heartfelt Holidays: Embracing Traditions and Giving Back at Blue Rock Law

Writer: BRL NewsroomBRL Newsroom

As we enjoy the warmth of the holiday season, we wanted to share another light-hearted blog that shares what makes the holiday season special for each of us and how we try to make them special for others with our favourite charities to support!



Tradition: Putting the Christmas tree up and decorating it.

Charity: The Calgary Zoo – What can you say? “Animals are such agreeable friends - they ask no questions, and pass no criticisms.”



Tradition: Christmas Morning Wife Saver for breakfast. Recipe out of my Mom’s hand-me-down “The Best of Bridge” Cookbook (1975). She always made us shower before we had breakfast or before we could open presents

Charity: On the Board of Fear is Not Love (formerly Calgary Women’s Emergency Shelter) – it’s time for Toy Mountain!!



Tradition: Karen’s (my mom) sticky toffee pudding on Christmas Day.

Charity: Easter Seals Camp Horizon – provides subsidized summer camps and equipment for children and youth with disabilities and medical conditions.



Tradition: Getting a tree with the whole family – we spend an extra 45 minutes or so playing hide and seek in the tree lot.

Charity:  Kids Cancer Care – ‘nuff said



Tradition: “Monopoly Mayhem Melee," where the McPhee family transforms into the fierce financial warriors of the holiday season! Brace yourselves for a high-stakes showdown of property acquisition, cunning negotiations, and the occasional sibling rivalry meltdown.

Charity: Make a Wish Foundation – Hundreds of families will receive the devastating news that their child or sibling has a critical illness this holiday season; wishes can improve medical outcomes and deliver hope to patients and their families.


Reindeer A:

Tradition: My mom’s side of the family would have a cutthroat Crokinole tournament at either Christmas or New Years. Your finger would ache for days but we’d all do anything to win.

Charity: The Calgary Humane Society – I’m not a crazy cat lady but it is a slippery slope


Reindeer D:

Tradition: My Dad always played Santa every year and my Mom had made him a custom Stanta outfit. Since he has been gone, my husband now has the suit and has now taken on the tradition of playing Santa.

Charity: Make a Wish Foundation – Before my Dad passed away it was his favorite charity as it was always about giving to the kids and making them smile.


Reindeer K:

Tradition: I always cook Christmas dinner … lots of eating/drinking/games with extended family (both sides) and friends.  Things start on the 24th and go non-stop thru the 26th.

Charity: Unicef Canada - Every year my daughters always pick projects they think we should support from the Unicef “Gifts List” and then we make a donation in my wife’s name. Last year they picked Bed Nets (21 nets), Educate 4 Girls, Water Purification Tablets (8,200), and Vaccine Packs.


We hope you are all having a wonderful holiday season! See you in the New Year!


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